Logo's, and History
Thanks again to everyone who has taken a minute to stop by and check out the TFD Pride store. I'm looking to add a history page with some background about every station and the current logo that they all have. If any of my TFD brethren have some history lessons you would like to share I would be happy to add it to the page. If you're working at one of the stations that currently doesn't have a logo then I'm calling you out! Station 23, 21, 20, and 12 lets get up off your lazy butts and make something happen. I would like nothing more to have every TFD station with an official approved logo by the end of the year. There, that's my challenge to you all. If you work there, have swung in or just have a great idea for a logo let me know. I've already created a couple on my own but with little or no response for the guys and gals at the stations. Lets get it done.